Tag | Description |
<!--...--> | Defines a comment |
<!DOCTYPE> | Defines the document type |
<a> | Defines a hyperlink |
<abbr> | Defines an abbreviation |
<acronym> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines an acronym |
<address> | Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document |
<applet> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Defines an embedded applet |
<area> | Defines an area inside an image-map |
<article>New | Defines an article |
<aside>New | Defines content aside from the page content |
<audio>New | Defines sound content |
<b> | Defines bold text |
<base> | Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document |
<basefont> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document |
<bdi>New | Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it |
<bdo> | Overrides the current text direction |
<big> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines big text |
<blockquote> | Defines a section that is quoted from another source |
<body> | Defines the document's body |
<br> | Defines a single line break |
<button> | Defines a clickable button |
<canvas>New | Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript) |
<caption> | Defines a table caption |
<center> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Defines centered text |
<cite> | Defines the title of a work |
<code> | Defines a piece of computer code |
<col> | Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element |
<colgroup> | Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting |
<command>New | Defines a command button that a user can invoke |
<datalist>New | Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls |
<dd> | Defines a description of an item in a definition list |
<del> | Defines text that has been deleted from a document |
<details>New | Defines additional details that the user can view or hide |
<dfn> | Defines a definition term |
<dir> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Defines a directory list |
<div> | Defines a section in a document |
<dl> | Defines a definition list |
<dt> | Defines a term (an item) in a definition list |
<em> | Defines emphasized text |
<embed>New | Defines a container for an external (non-HTML) application |
<fieldset> | Groups related elements in a form |
<figcaption>New | Defines a caption for a <figure> element |
<figure>New | Specifies self-contained content |
<font> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Defines font, color, and size for text |
<footer>New | Defines a footer for a document or section |
<form> | Defines an HTML form for user input |
<frame> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset |
<frameset> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines a set of frames |
<h1> to <h6> | Defines HTML headings |
<head> | Defines information about the document |
<header>New | Defines a header for a document or section |
<hgroup>New | Groups heading (<h1> to <h6>) elements |
<hr> | Defines a thematic change in the content |
<html> | Defines the root of an HTML document |
<i> | Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood |
<iframe> | Defines an inline frame |
<img> | Defines an image |
<input> | Defines an input control |
<ins> | Defines a text that has been inserted into a document |
<kbd> | Defines keyboard input |
<keygen>New | Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms) |
<label> | Defines a label for an <input> element |
<legend> | Defines a caption for a <fieldset>, < figure>, or <details> element |
<li> | Defines a list item |
<link> | Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets) |
<map> | Defines a client-side image-map |
<mark>New | Defines marked/highlighted text |
<menu> | Defines a list/menu of commands |
<meta> | Defines metadata about an HTML document |
<meter>New | Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) |
<nav>New | Defines navigation links |
<noframes> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames |
<noscript> | Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts |
<object> | Defines an embedded object |
<ol> | Defines an ordered list |
<optgroup> | Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list |
<option> | Defines an option in a drop-down list |
<output>New | Defines the result of a calculation |
<p> | Defines a paragraph |
<param> | Defines a parameter for an object |
<pre> | Defines preformatted text |
<progress>New | Represents the progress of a task |
<q> | Defines a short quotation |
<rp>New | Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations |
<rt>New | Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography) |
<ruby>New | Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography) |
<s> | Defines text that is no longer correct |
<samp> | Defines sample output from a computer program |
<script> | Defines a client-side script |
<section>New | Defines a section in a document |
<select> | Defines a drop-down list |
<small> | Defines smaller text |
<source>New | Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>) |
<span> | Defines a section in a document |
<strike> | Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Defines strikethrough text |
<strong> | Defines important text |
<style> | Defines style information for a document |
<sub> | Defines subscripted text |
<summary>New | Defines a visible heading for a <details> element |
<sup> | Defines superscripted text |
<table> | Defines a table |
<tbody> | Groups the body content in a table |
<td> | Defines a cell in a table |
<textarea> | Defines a multiline input control (text area) |
<tfoot> | Groups the footer content in a table |
<th> | Defines a header cell in a table |
<thead> | Groups the header content in a table |
<time>New | Defines a date/time |
<title> | Defines a title for the document |
<tr> | Defines a row in a table |
<track>New | Defines text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>) |
<tt> | Not supported in HTML5. Defines teletype text |
<u> | Defines text that should be stylistically different from normal text |
<ul> | Defines an unordered list |
<var> | Defines a variable |
<video>New | Defines a video or movie |
<wbr>New | Defines a possible line-break |
Sunday, 25 November 2012
All HTML tags
All HTML tags
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
executing all file and directory handling commands
executing all file and directory handling commands
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# cal
October 2012
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# date
Fri Oct 19 19:20:27 IST 2012
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# echo "welcome to MIT"
welcome to MIT
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# printf "this is IT department"
this is IT department
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# who
MAHESH tty1 2012-10-19 19:18 (:0)
MAHESH pts/0 2012-10-19 19:19 (:0.0)
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# who am i
MAHESH pts/0 2012-10-19 19:19 (:0.0)
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# uname
[root@domain30 984D-171A]# tty
[root@domain30 mahesh]# pwd
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls
2.txt 7 fifth.sh op2.txt op.txt secound.sh sixth.sh third.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 19 Oct 18 14:07 2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Oct 18 14:30 7
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 170 Oct 12 21:44 fifth.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 Oct 18 21:05 op2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 Oct 18 14:09 op.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 667 Oct 18 21:03 secound.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 MAHESH MAHESH 558 Oct 13 16:46 sixth.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 MAHESH MAHESH 500 Oct 12 23:43 third.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# mkdir MIT
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls
2.txt 7 fifth.sh MIT op2.txt op.txt secound.sh sixth.sh third.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# rmdir MIT
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls
2.txt 7 fifth.sh op2.txt op.txt secound.sh sixth.sh third.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# mkdir ITSE
[root@domain30 mahesh]# mv ITSE MIT1
[root@domain30 mahesh]# cd ITSE
bash: cd: ITSE: No such file or directory
[root@domain30 mahesh]# rmdir MIT1/
[root@domain30 mahesh]# mkdir ITSE
[root@domain30 mahesh]# vim ITSE/MIT1
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls ITSE/
[root@domain30 mahesh]# more sixth.sh
echo "1.Display the pid of login shell "
echo "2.Display process status "
echo "3.Display detailed listing of processes "
echo "4.Display process of user "
echo "5.Display all users processes "
printf "Enter choice : "
read choice
if [ $choice == 1 ]
echo "PID of current shell is : $$"
if [ $choice == 2 ]
if [ $choice == 3 ]
ps -f
if [ $choice == 4 ]
printf "Enter user name : "
read user
ps -u $usr
if [ $choice == 5 ]
ps -a
if [ $choice == 6 ]
ps -e
else [ $choice > 7 ]
echo "Incorrect choice !"
[root@domain30 mahesh]# file sixth.sh
sixth.sh: ASCII English text
[root@domain30 mahesh]# wc sixth.sh
41 123 558 sixth.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# wc -l sixth.sh
41 sixth.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# vim mahi.txt
[root@domain30 mahesh]# od mahi.txt
0000000 064164 071551 064440 020163 064563 070155 062554 063040
0000020 066151 005145
[root@domain30 mahesh]# cat mahi.txt
this is simple file
[root@domain30 mahesh]# cat mahi.txt
this is simple file
[root@domain30 mahesh]# cat mahi1.txt
it secound simple file
[root@domain30 mahesh]# cmp mahi.txt mahi1.txt
mahi.txt mahi1.txt differ: byte 1, line 1
[root@domain30 mahesh]# comm mahi.txt mahi1.txt
it secound simple file
this is simple file
[root@domain30 mahesh]# diff mahi.txt mahi1.txt
< this is simple file
> it secound simple file
[root@domain30 mahesh]# chmod 421 mahi.txt
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls -l
total 40
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 19 Oct 18 14:07 2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Oct 18 14:30 7
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 170 Oct 12 21:44 fifth.sh
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Oct 19 19:26 ITSE
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 23 Oct 19 19:30 mahi1.txt
-r---w---x. 1 root root 20 Oct 19 19:29 mahi.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 Oct 18 21:05 op2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 148 Oct 18 14:09 op.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 667 Oct 18 21:03 secound.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 MAHESH MAHESH 558 Oct 13 16:46 sixth.sh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 MAHESH MAHESH 500 Oct 12 23:43 third.sh
shell script to perform operations on string
shell script to perform operations on string
day=`date "+%a"`
if [ "$day"=="mon" ]
echo "weekend is over"
OUTPUT:[root@domain30 fourth]# sh day.sh
weekend is over
if [ "$com" \< "z" ]
echo "the comapny name being with the letter less than z"
OUTPUT:[root@domain30 fourth]# sh cmp.sh
the comapny name being with the letter less than z
echo "enter the first name-->"
read fst
echo "enter the last name-->"
read lst
echo "the complete string is--> $fst$lst"
[root@domain30 fourth]# sh strmerg.sh
enter the first name-->
enter the last name-->
the complete string is--> maheshmaske
echo ${#str}
echo `expr length $str`
echo `expr "$str"`
[root@domain30 fourth]# sh mahesh.sh
system administrative commands
system administrative commands
[MAHESH@domain30 mahesh]$ pwd
[MAHESH@domain30 mahesh]$ su
Password: ******
[root@domain30 mahesh]#
[root@domain30 mahesh]# date
Fri Oct 19 20:40:26 IST 2012
[root@domain30 Desktop]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@domain30 Desktop]# ulimit 20791510
[root@domain30 Desktop]# wall
i am student of SEIT
Broadcast message from root@domain30 (pts/0)(Sat Oct 13 11:03:07
i am student of SEIT
[root@domain30 mahesh]# chmod 1775 arithmetic.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# ls -l
total 52
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Oct 19 19:51 25
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 19 Oct 18 14:07 2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Oct 18 14:30 7
-rwxrwxr-t. 1 root root 173 Oct 19 19:38 arithmetic.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 170 Oct 12 21:44 fifth.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
43872748 2806724 38837392 7% /
tmpfs 1935592 272 1935320 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda5 495844 35372 434872 8% /boot
/dev/sdb1 3912656 2100 3910556 1% /media/984D-171A
[root@domain30 mahesh]# du
20 ./fourth
8 ./ITSE
76 .
shell script for total user info
shell script for total user info
echo "my name is :"$LOGNAME
echo "my name is :"$USER
echo "my AVALABLE PATH is :"$PATH
[MAHESH@domain30 mahesh]$ sh fifth.sh
my name is :MAHESH
my name is :MAHESH
my WORKING SHELL IS :/bin/bash
my AVALABLE PATH is :/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/MAHESH/bin:/home/MAHESH/bin
shell script for arithmatic operations
shell script for arithmatic operations
val=`expr $a + $b`
echo "a+b=" $val
val=`expr $a - $b`
echo "a-b=" $val
val=`expr $a \* $b`
echo "a*b=" $val
val=`expr $a / $b`
echo "a/b=" $val
[root@domain30 mahesh]# vim arithmetic.sh
[root@domain30 mahesh]# sh arithmetic.sh
a+b= 15
a-b= 5
a*b= 50
a/b= 2
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Write a Program of Binary Search Tree Operations.
Write a Program of Binary Search Tree Operations.
#include <iostream.h> #include <process.h> //for exit(1) #include <conio.h> struct node{ int data; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; class BST{ public: node *tree; BST(){ tree=NULL; } void createTree(node **,int item); //For Building Treevoid preOrder(node *); //For Tree Traversalvoid inOrder(node *); void postOrder(node *); void determineHeight(node *,int *); int totalNodes(node *); int internalNodes(node *); //no. of non-leaf nodesint externalNodes(node *); //no. of leaf nodes.void removeTree(node **); //Remove tree from memory. node **searchElement(node **,int); void findSmallestNode(node *); void findLargestNode(node *); void deleteNode(int); }; //it is used for inseting an single element in//a tree, but if calls more than once will create tree.void BST :: createTree(node **tree,int item){ if(*tree == NULL){ *tree = new node; (*tree)->data = item; (*tree)->left = NULL; (*tree)->right = NULL; } else{ if( (*tree)->data > item) createTree( &((*tree)->left),item); else createTree( &((*tree)->right),item); } } void BST :: preOrder(node *tree){ if( tree!=NULL){ cout<<" "<< tree->data; preOrder(tree->left); preOrder(tree->right); } } void BST :: inOrder(node *tree){ if( tree!=NULL){ inOrder( tree->left); cout<<" "<< tree->data; inOrder(tree->right); } } void BST :: postOrder(node *tree){ if( tree!=NULL){ postOrder( tree->left); postOrder( tree->right); cout<<" "<<tree->data; } } void BST :: determineHeight(node *tree, int *height){ int left_height, right_height; if( tree == NULL) *height = 0; else{ determineHeight(tree->left, &left_height); determineHeight(tree->right, &right_height); if( left_height > right_height) *height = left_height + 1; else *height = right_height + 1; } } int BST :: totalNodes(node *tree){ if( tree == NULL) return 0; elsereturn( totalNodes(tree->left) + totalNodes(tree->right) + 1 ); } int BST :: internalNodes(node *tree){ if( (tree==NULL) || (tree->left==NULL && tree->right==NULL)) return 0; elsereturn( internalNodes(tree->left) + internalNodes(tree->right) + 1 ); } int BST :: externalNodes(node *tree){ if( tree==NULL ) return 0; elseif( tree->left==NULL && tree->right==NULL) return 1; elsereturn( externalNodes(tree->left) + externalNodes(tree->right)); } void BST :: removeTree(node **tree){ if( (*tree) != NULL){ removeTree( &(*tree)->left ); removeTree( &(*tree)->right ); delete( *tree ); } } node ** BST :: searchElement(node **tree, int item){ if( ((*tree)->data == item) || ( (*tree) == NULL) ) return tree; elseif( item < (*tree)->data) return searchElement( &(*tree)->left, item); elsereturn searchElement( &(*tree)->right, item); } void BST :: findSmallestNode(node *tree){ if( tree==NULL || tree->left==NULL) cout<< tree->data; else findSmallestNode( tree->left); } //Finding In_order Successor of given node..//for Delete Algo. node * find_Insucc(node *curr) { node *succ=curr->right; //Move to the right sub-tree.if(succ!=NULL){ while(succ->left!=NULL) //If right sub-tree is not empty. succ=succ->left; //move to the left-most end. } return(succ); } void BST :: findLargestNode(node *tree){ if( tree==NULL || tree->right==NULL) cout<<tree->data; else findLargestNode(tree->right); } void BST :: deleteNode(int item){ node *curr=tree,*succ,*pred; int flag=0,delcase; //step to find location of nodewhile(curr!=NULL && flag!=1) { if(item < curr->data){ pred = curr; curr = curr->left; } elseif(item > curr->data){ pred = curr; curr = curr->right; } else{ //curr->data = item flag=1; } } if(flag==0){ cout<<"\nItem does not exist : No deletion\n"; getch(); goto end; } //Decide the case of deletionif(curr->left==NULL && curr->right==NULL) delcase=1; //Node has no childelseif(curr->left!=NULL && curr->right!=NULL) delcase=3; //Node contains both the childelse delcase=2; //Node contains only one child//Deletion Case 1if(delcase==1){ if(pred->left == curr) //if the node is a left child pred->left=NULL; //set pointer of its parentelse pred->right=NULL; delete(curr); //Return deleted node to the memory bank. } //Deletion Case 2if(delcase==2){ if(pred->left==curr){ //if the node is a left childif(curr->left==NULL) pred->left=curr->right; else pred->left=curr->left; } else{ //pred->right=currif(curr->left==NULL) pred->right=curr->right; else pred->right=curr->left; } delete(curr); } //Deletion case 3if(delcase==3){ succ = find_Insucc(curr); //Find the in_order successor//of the node.int item1 = succ->data; deleteNode(item1); //Delete the inorder successor curr->data = item1; //Replace the data with the data of//in order successor. } end: } void main(){ BST obj; int choice; int height=0,total=0,n,item; node **tmp; while(1){ clrscr(); cout<<"*****BINARY SEARCH TREE OPERATIONS*****\n\n"; cout<<"--Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree common operations--\n"; cout<<"1) Create Tree\n"; cout<<"2) Traversal\n"; cout<<"3) Height of Tree\n"; cout<<"4) Total Nodes\n"; cout<<"5) Internal Nodes \n"; cout<<"6) External Nodes \n"; cout<<"7) Remove Tree\n"; cout<<"\n--Only Binary Search Tree Operations--\n"; cout<<"8) Insert Node\n"; cout<<"9) Search Node\n"; cout<<"10) Find Smallest Node\n"; cout<<"11) Find Largest Node\n"; cout<<"12) Delete Node\n"; cout<<"13) Exit\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice : "; cin>>choice; switch(choice){ case 1 : //Create Tree cout<<"\n\n--Creating Tree--"; cout<<"\nHow many nodes u want to enter : "; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ cout<<"Enter value : "; cin>>item; obj.createTree(&obj.tree,item); } break; case 2 : //All Traversals cout<<"\n\nInorder Traversal : "; obj.inOrder(obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nPre-order Traversal : "; obj.preOrder(obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nPost-order Traversal : "; obj.postOrder(obj.tree); getch(); break; case 3 : //Determining Height of Tree obj.determineHeight(obj.tree,&height); cout<<"\n\nHeight of Tree : "<<height; getch(); break; case 4 : //Total nodes in a tree total=obj.totalNodes(obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nTotal Nodes : "<<total; getch(); break; case 5 : //Internal nodes in a tree total=obj.internalNodes(obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nInternal Nodes : "<<total; getch(); break; case 6 : //External nodes in a tree total=obj.externalNodes(obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nExternal Nodes : "<<total; getch(); break; case 7 : //Remove Tree from memory obj.removeTree(&obj.tree); cout<<"\n\nTree is removed from Memory"; getch(); break; case 8 : //Inserting a node in a tree cout<<"\n\n--Inserting Node in a tree--\n"; cout<<"Enter value : "; cin>>item; obj.createTree(&obj.tree,item); cout<<"\nItem is inserted\n"; getch(); break; case 9 : //Search element cout<<"\n\n--Search Element--\n"; cout<<"Enter item to searched : "; cin>>item; &(*tmp) = obj.searchElement(&obj.tree,item); if( (*tmp) == NULL) cout<<"\nSearch Element Not Found"; else cout<<"\nSearch Element was Found"; getch(); break; case 10 : //Find Smallest Node cout<<"\n\nSmallest Node is : "; obj.findSmallestNode(obj.tree); getch(); break; case 11 : //Find Largest Node cout<<"\n\nLargest Node is : "; obj.findLargestNode(obj.tree); getch(); break; case 12 : //Deleting a node from a tree cout<<"\n\n--Deleting a Node from a tree--\n"; cout<<"Enter value : "; cin>>item; obj.deleteNode(item); break; case 13 : exit(1); }//end of switch } }
Code for Program to maintain a threaded binary tree in C Programming
Code for Program to maintain a threaded binary tree in C Programming
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <alloc.h> enum boolean { false = 0, true = 1 } ; struct thtree { enum boolean isleft ; struct thtree *left ; int data ; struct thtree *right ; enum boolen isright ; } ; void insert ( struct thtree **, int ) ; void delete ( struct thtree **, int ) ; void search ( struct thtree **, int, struct thtree **, struct thtree **, int * ) ; void inorder ( struct thtree * ) ; void deltree ( struct thtree ** ) ; void main( ) { struct thtree *th_head ; th_head = NULL ; /* empty tree */ insert ( &th_head, 11 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 9 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 13 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 8 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 10 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 12 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 14 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 15 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 7 ) ; clrscr( ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree before deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; delete ( &th_head, 10 ) ; printf ( "\nThreaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; delete ( &th_head, 14 ) ; printf ( "\nThreaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; delete ( &th_head, 8 ) ; printf ( "\nThreaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; delete ( &th_head, 13 ) ; printf ( "\nThreaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; deltree ( &th_head ) ; getch( ) ; } /* inserts a node in a threaded binary tree */ void insert ( struct thtree **s, int num ) { struct thtree *p, *z, *head = *s ; /* allocating a new node */ z = malloc ( sizeof ( struct thtree ) ) ; z -> isleft = true ; /* indicates a thread */ z -> data = num ; /* assign new data */ z -> isright = true ; /* indicates a thread */ /* if tree is empty */ if ( *s == NULL ) { head = malloc ( sizeof ( struct thtree ) ) ; /* the entire tree is treated as a left sub-tree of the head node */ head -> isleft = false ; head -> left = z ; /* z becomes leftchild of the head node */ head -> data = -9999 ; /* no data */ head -> right = head ; /* right link will always be pointing to itself */ head -> isright = false ; *s = head ; z -> left = head ; /* left thread to head */ z -> right = head ; /* right thread to head */ } else/* if tree is non-empty */ { p = head -> left ; /* traverse till the thread is found attached to the head */ while ( p != head ) { if ( p -> data > num ) { if ( p -> isleft != true ) /* checking for a thread */ p = p -> left ; else { z -> left = p -> left ; p -> left = z ; p -> isleft = false ; /* indicates a link */ z -> isright = true ; z -> right = p ; return ; } } else { if ( p -> data < num ) { if ( p -> isright != true ) p = p -> right ; else { z -> right = p -> right ; p -> right = z ; p -> isright = false ; /* indicates a link */ z -> isleft = true ; z -> left = p ; return ; } } } } } } /* deletes a node from the binary search tree */ void delete ( struct thtree **root, int num ) { int found ; struct thtree *parent, *x, *xsucc ; /* if tree is empty */ if ( *root == NULL ) { printf ( "\nTree is empty" ) ; return ; } parent = x = NULL ; /* call to search function to find the node to be deleted */ search ( root, num, &parent, &x, &found ) ; /* if the node to deleted is not found */ if ( found == false ) { printf ( "\nData to be deleted, not found" ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has two children */ if ( x -> isleft == false && x -> isright == false ) { parent = x ; xsucc = x -> right ; while ( xsucc -> isleft == false ) { parent = xsucc ; xsucc = xsucc -> left ; } x -> data = xsucc -> data ; x = xsucc ; } /* if the node to be deleted has no child */ if ( x -> isleft == true && x -> isright == true ) { /* if node to be deleted is a root node */ if ( parent == NULL ) { ( *root ) -> left = *root ; ( *root ) -> isleft = true ; free ( x ) ; return ; } if ( parent -> right == x ) { parent -> isright = true ; parent -> right = x -> right ; } else { parent -> isleft = true ; parent -> left = x -> left ; } free ( x ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has only rightchild */ if ( x -> isleft == true && x -> isright == false ) { /* node to be deleted is a root node */ if ( parent == NULL ) { ( *root ) -> left = x -> right ; free ( x ) ; return ; } if ( parent -> left == x ) { parent -> left = x -> right ; x -> right -> left = x -> left ; } else { parent -> right = x -> right ; x -> right -> left = parent ; } free ( x ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has only left child */ if ( x -> isleft == false && x -> isright == true ) { /* the node to be deleted is a root node */ if ( parent == NULL ) { parent = x ; xsucc = x -> left ; while ( xsucc -> right == false ) xsucc = xsucc -> right ; xsucc -> right = *root ; ( *root ) -> left = x -> left ; free ( x ) ; return ; } if ( parent -> left == x ) { parent -> left = x -> left ; x -> left -> right = parent ; } else { parent -> right = x -> left ; x -> left -> right = x -> right ; } free ( x ) ; return ; } } /* returns the address of the node to be deleted, address of its parent and whether the node is found or not */ void search ( struct thtree **root, int num, struct thtree **par, struct thtree **x, int *found ) { struct thtree *q ; q = ( *root ) -> left ; *found = false ; *par = NULL ; while ( q != *root ) { /* if the node to be deleted is found */ if ( q -> data == num ) { *found = true ; *x = q ; return ; } *par = q ; if ( q -> data > num ) { if ( q -> isleft == true ) { *found = false ; x = NULL ; return ; } q = q -> left ; } else { if ( q -> isright == true ) { *found = false ; *x = NULL ; return ; } q = q -> right ; } } } /* traverses the threaded binary tree in inorder */ void inorder ( struct thtree *root ) { struct thtree *p ; p = root -> left ; while ( p != root ) { while ( p -> isleft == false ) p = p -> left ; printf ( "%d\t", p -> data ) ; while ( p -> isright == true ) { p = p -> right ; if ( p == root ) break ; printf ( "%d\t", p -> data ) ; } p = p -> right ; } } void deltree ( struct thtree **root ) { while ( ( *root ) -> left != *root ) delete ( root, ( *root ) -> left -> data ) ; }
Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form.
Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form.
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #define MAX 50 struct postfix { int stack[MAX] ; int top, nn ; char *s ; } ; void initpostfix ( struct postfix * ) ; void setexpr ( struct postfix *, char * ) ; void push ( struct postfix *, int ) ; int pop ( struct postfix * ) ; void calculate ( struct postfix * ) ; void show ( struct postfix ) ; void main( ) { struct postfix q ; char expr[MAX] ; clrscr( ) ; initpostfix ( &q ) ; printf ( "\nEnter postfix expression to be evaluated: " ) ; gets ( expr ) ; setexpr ( &q, expr ) ; calculate ( &q ) ; show ( q ) ; getch( ) ; } /* initializes data members */ void initpostfix ( struct postfix *p ) { p -> top = -1 ; } /* sets s to point to the given expr. */ void setexpr ( struct postfix *p, char *str ) { p -> s = str ; } /* adds digit to the stack */ void push ( struct postfix *p, int item ) { if ( p -> top == MAX - 1 ) printf ( "\nStack is full." ) ; else { p -> top++ ; p -> stack[p -> top] = item ; } } /* pops digit from the stack */ int pop ( struct postfix *p ) { int data ; if ( p -> top == -1 ) { printf ( "\nStack is empty." ) ; return NULL ; } data = p -> stack[p -> top] ; p -> top-- ; return data ; } /* evaluates the postfix expression */ void calculate( struct postfix *p ) { int n1, n2, n3 ; while ( *( p -> s ) ) { /* skip whitespace, if any */ if ( *( p -> s ) == ' ' || *( p -> s ) == '\t' ) { p -> s++ ; continue ; } /* if digit is encountered */ if ( isdigit ( *( p -> s ) ) ) { p -> nn = *( p -> s ) - '0' ; push ( p, p -> nn ) ; } else { /* if operator is encountered */ n1 = pop ( p ) ; n2 = pop ( p ) ; switch ( *( p -> s ) ) { case'+' : n3 = n2 + n1 ; break ; case'-' : n3 = n2 - n1 ; break ; case'/' : n3 = n2 / n1 ; break ; case'*' : n3 = n2 * n1 ; break ; case'%' : n3 = n2 % n1 ; break ; case'$' : n3 = pow ( n2 , n1 ) ; break ; default : printf ( "Unknown operator" ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } push ( p, n3 ) ; } p -> s++ ; } } /* displays the result */ void show ( struct postfix p ) { p.nn = pop ( &p ) ; printf ( "Result is: %d", p.nn ) ; }
Code for Singly Linked list with following operations INSERT AT STARTING, INSERT AT MIDDLE, INSERT AT END, DELETE FIRST NODE, DELETE LAST NODE, DELETE MIDDLE in C Programming
Singly Linked list with below operations
#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> struct node { int i; struct node *next; }; void main() { struct node *first; struct node *last; struct node *temp; int ch,user,add,cnt=0,t=0; struct node *p; clrscr(); printf("\n\t 1.CREATION"); printf("\n\t 2.INSERT AT STARTING"); printf("\n\t 3.INSERT AT MIDDLE(USER'S CHOICE)"); printf("\n\t 4.INSERT AT END"); printf("\n\t 5.DELETE 1ST NODE"); printf("\n\t 6.DELETE LAST NODE"); printf("\n\t 7.DELETE MIDDLE NODE(USER'S CHOICE)"); printf("\n\t 8.DISPLAY"); printf("\n\t 10.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&user); while(user!=10) { if(user==1) { printf("\n\t ENTER DATA ::: "); first=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); scanf("%d",&ch); first->i=ch; first->next=0; p=first; cnt=1; } if(user==2) { p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n\t ENTER DATA FOR 1ST NODE"); scanf("%d",&p->i); p->next=first; first=p; cnt++; } if(user==4) { p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n\t ENTER DATA FOR LAST NODE"); scanf("%d",&p->i); temp=first; while(temp->next!=0) { temp=temp->next; } temp->next=p; p->next=0; cnt++; } if(user==3) { printf("\n\t ENTER ANY ADDRESS BETWEEN 1 and %d",cnt); scanf("%d",&add); t=1; p=first; while(t!=add) { p=p->next; t++; } temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n\t ENTER DATA FOR NODE"); scanf("%d",&temp->i); temp->next=p->next; p->next=temp; cnt++; } if(user==5) { p=first; first=p->next; free(p); } if(user==6) { p=first; while(p->next->next!=0) { p=p->next; } p->next=0; free(p->next->next); } if(user==8) { p=first; while(p!=0) { printf("\n\t %d",p->i); p=p->next; } } if(user==7) { printf("\n\t ENTER ANY ADDRESS BETWEEN 1 and %d",cnt); scanf("%d",&add); t=1; p=first; while(t<add-1) { p=p->next; t++; } temp=p->next; p->next=temp->next; free(temp); cnt--; } printf("\n\t 1.CREATION"); printf("\n\t 2.INSERT AT STARTING"); printf("\n\t 3.INSERT AT MIDDLE(USER'S CHOICE)"); printf("\n\t 4.INSERT AT END"); printf("\n\t 5.DELETE 1ST NODE"); printf("\n\t 6.DELETE LAST NODE"); printf("\n\t 7.DELETE MIDDLE NODE(USER'S CHOICE)"); printf("\n\t 8.DISPLAY"); printf("\n\t 10.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&user); } getch(); }
Practical no-10
Practical no-10
"1. all user list"
"2.current user"
"3.count logged users"
"Enter choice:"read choice
am i
"Total users loged in:"
sh user.sh
all user list
current user
count logged user
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